October 23, 2022
It is that time of the year! The favorite holiday season of many is upon us and we have put together our annual Dark Edit to commensurate the occasion. Take a look!
April 15, 2021
Over the past several months, what was once a solitary or singular engagement with talismans has multiplied through reciprocities of conversations, care and generosity of close friends and loyal patrons. These heartfelt, inspiring exchanges guided me in the most organic way possible to create this talismanic coinage.
Though these creations may not immediately align with the strict definition of a talisman, they, with their shared emphasis on and potent of love, are just as magical and powerful to me and conceivably more so to the individuals who have commissioned me to create these works.
May 8, 2014
JBS Reliquarium: The Runner
A new rubric on Jelena Behrend Blog. Mummified memories and real-life magic objects from Jelena's life and Studio.
Floating over a devastated and scorched terrain of ashes and cigarette butts, focused like a brave arrow, always moving, this runner through smoke and fire has been Jelena's companion for the past two decades. Jelena found this mysterious figurine at a yard sale in Alphabet City, the corner of Avenue B and E6th Street, while searching for fine second-skin leather jackets. Like a Voodoo doll, this adopted amulet became a cross-dresser and has been changing clothes as well. Recently she lost her anklets, but is now sporting an exoskeleton of melted baroque rubber.