"GANGITANO: ...There’s a general misperception that your work tends to be observational or voyeuristic and that it comes directly out of your own life."
You may have already heard about and seen the movie "Goat" staring Nick Jonas and Ben Schnetzer premiered to strong reviews at Sundance Film festival, but if you did not, you will, very soon. Directed by Andrew Neel and co-produced by James Franco this fraternity hazing drama is also set to have first European showing at Berlinale the Berlin Film Festival on Febrary 12, 2016. In the event you are in Berlin, you do not have to wait until it starts showing in U.S. movie theaters.
"[the] film...explores the roots of violence in white American males – men who will later become politicians, will mistreat prisoners or start families. Seen through the sensitive eyes of the protagonists, the film raises questions about loyalty and male self-image and pillories a frightening reality of life on American campuses which, in the name of tradition, systematically destroys young men – or turns them into monsters." - Variety
I’m a filmmaker living in Brooklyn. I grew up in Vermont. I moved to New York 17 years ago when I came here to go to college. I started a film making collective called SeeThink Films. We make documentaries and fiction films.
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