Recently Jelena sat down with London based writer Melanie Abrams to discuss how jewelry is crossing the gender barrier. Here is the excerpt from the article published by New York Times on November 21, 2017.
Although the earliest finger rings are from Ancient Egypt, the history of engagement rings dates back to Ancient Rome. In many countries, engagement rings are worn on the fourth finger of the left hand. This custom also is believed to have originated in Ancient Rome. It was believed that this finger contained the vena amoris, the “love vein” that leads to the heart. (The latin term vena amoris was popularized hundreds of years later by the ecclesiastical lawyer Henry Swinburne in A treatise of Spousals, or Matrimonial Contracts in 1686, in which he references Roman thinkers Apion and Aulus Gallius.) Ancient Roman brides-to-be would receive two engagement rings, one in gold and one in iron. The gold ring was to wear in public, and the iron ring was for around the house.
Jelena Behrend Studio is excited to announce our new location in the historic 206 Bowery. Built in circa 1810 after the Revolution, 206 Bowery House has seen many tenants. The building, one of the last surviving federal homes on the Bowery, was on the brink of demolition before it was calendared to become a City Landmark in 2010. 206 Bowery House is still awaiting its Landmark status. In the meantime, Jelena Behrend Studio is delighted to take part in 206 Bowery’s over 200-year history.
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